ADSY Frequently Asked Questions
What is ADSY?
In June 2019, the passage of House Bill 3 (HB3) by the 86th Texas Legislature added half-day formula funding for school systems that add instructional days to any of their elementary schools, starting in the 2020-2021 school year. This initiative is called Additional Days School Year (ADSY).Ìý
Funding for ADSY is available to campuses that:Ìý
- Serve at least one grade-level within grades PreK-5Ìý
- Campus academic calendar(s) include at least 180 instructional days with 75,600 operational minutes,Ìýnot including staff development waivers
- Add up to 30 additional days of instruction in addition to the 180 instructional days in its regular academic calendar
- Have a certified teacher deliver at least two hours of instruction on designated ADSY days
- Host ADSY days separate from the regular instructional calendar days (e.g., ADSY days cannot be hosted in the second part of a regular instructional day)Ìý
More information on the implementation of ADSY can be found in the .
Other Question Topics
1A: Given that ADSY only applies to elementary grades, will this option eventually include middle and high school grades?
Any changes to eligible grade levels would be decided in subsequent legislative sessions.
1B: Can LEAs implement ADSY at one campus or does implementation need to be district-wide?
Yes, ADSY can be implemented at an individual campus or set of campuses as an LEA sees fit.
1C: Can students attend ADSY days at a different campus from the one in which they are enrolled?
Yes – If students attend ADSY days, the school in which they are enrolled is held accountable for the 180-day requirement, regardless of whether the students are attending a different campus. Participating students must also attend a campus that meets all ADSY requirements. Reimbursement for ADSY days will go to the campus in which the student is officially enrolled, even if the services are offered at a different location.
1D: Do the same students have to attend all the ADSY days that are offered?
No, they do not. ADSY program design is flexible regarding which students attend on which days. TEA encourages districts to target the same students for the duration of the ADSY program for maximum impact. However, TEA recognizes there are reasons districts may have different students attending different ADSY days depending on the program design.
1E: What are the requirements for teacher certifications on ADSY days?
The academic hours taught on ADSY days must be taught by certified teachers (following the same certification requirements the LEA normally follows). Anything outside of academic instruction time can be non-certified staff.
1F: Do student/teacher ratio rules still apply during the additional days?
Yes, all aspects of the TEC still apply during ADSY days except for compulsory attendance.
1G: How should districts account for minimum salary schedule requirements for teachers?
Districts adding days to teacher contracts must ensure that the days added meet the minimum salary schedule requirements per TEC, §21.402. If you are offering additional pay, TEA encourages you to verify requirements with your legal counsel.
1H: How should districts adjust teacher contracts/agreements when extending their calendar year to implement ADSY?
Districts should consult with their legal counsel to discuss ADSY contracts. In most cases, a district can require its teachers to work additional days if the district:
- Provides additional compensation under existing contracts that permit extended calendar/number of days worked flexibility to the teachers for the extra time required to complete the adjusted school year.
- Extends by agreement the existing teacher contracts to address the extra time and any associated compensation.
- In instances where the existing contracts cannot be amended by an agreement, a district can enter short-term contracts with teachers not currently under contract to address the extra time and any associated compensation. Districts should take into consideration Commissioner precedent that teachers cannot be paid less than they were paid in a prior year without being permitted to withdraw from their contracts. See Kelley v. N. E. Indep. Sch. Dist., Docket No. 026-R10-1101 (Comm’r Educ. 2006); N. E. Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Kelley, 2010 Tex. App. LEXIS 9792 (Tex. App.--Austin, 2010, pet. denied).
1I: Are ADSY days eligible for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP)?
Since ADSY days are non-compulsory, they are not a component of NSLP. However, LEAs are encouraged to apply to the Child and Adult Food Care Program (CAFCP) through the Texas Department of Agriculture.
1J: Does ADSY apply to new Generation 24 charter schools?
All public district and charter schools that offer grades PreK – 5 are eligible for ADSY funding if they meet the other ADSY prerequisites.
1K: Is there an application for ADSY?
No, there is no application for ADSY and there is no deadline for eligibility. As long as a district meets all the ADSY requirements they can host ADSY days. Requirements can be found at the top of this FAQ document. Once a district inputs its ADSY campuses, days, teachers, and student attendance into PEIMS they will be reimbursed accordingly. There is however an application for districts interested in the ADSY Planning and Execution Program (PEP) grant (see section 4 of this document).
1L: Is half day PreK eligible for ADSY funding?
PreK-4 tracks need to meet the full day Pre-K requirements unless the campus/LEA has a waiver on file with TEA. PreK-3 tracks can qualify for ADSY if they are half day or full day. If all ADSY requirements are met, then a PreK grade can be eligible for ADSY. .
1M: How much does ADSY half-day funding cover in a half-day PreK eligible campus?
Since ADSY is half-day funding, in this scenario, it would cover the full half-day Pre-K funding amount. For example, if your Pre-K half-day ADA funding is $26.00 per student, then, on ADSY days you will get the $26.00 half-day amount from ADSY half-day funding.
1N: How can ADSY help fulfill HB4545 requirements?
ADSY days can be a great resource for LEAs providing required tutoring to select students to meet HB 4545 requirements. ADSY days must be non-compulsory. Students cannot be required to attend ADSY days in order to meet HB 4545 requirements.
1O: What are the daily academic requirements for ADSY?
To receive ADSY formula funding, the schedule must provide a minimum of 2 hours of TEKS based instruction (e.g. math, PE, social studies, etc.). Enrichment hours are not required for regular ADSY days./about-tea/news-and-multimedia/correspondence/taa-letters/house-bill-4545-implementation-overview
1P: Can TEA provide a list of the LEAs that indicate intent to provide an ADSY program?
ESCs email to receive a list of LEAs that intend to provide an ASDSY program in their region.Ìý
2A: If an LEA extends its school year, are other elements of the calendar year flexible?
LEAs adding days must adhere to state calendar requirements for STAAR testing and the school start dates:
- STAAR Testing: State testing windows will remain the same for all tested subjects and courses regardless of ADSY participation.
- School Start Date: LEAs are required to adhere to Texas Education Code (TEC), §25.0811 and start their academic calendar on the fourth Monday of August. Two exceptions include year-round schools and districts of innovation who may opt to change their start date in their innovation plan. Refer to Changing School Start Date for more information.
2B: Are campuses that meet 75,600 minutes of instruction but not 180 days of instruction eligible for ADSY funding?
To be eligible for ADSY, the participating campus needs to have a board-approved calendar that demonstrates both 180 days of instruction and 75,600 minutes. ADSY days cannot take place on regular instructional days.
2C: How is a ‘half-day of instruction’ defined?
Per half-day requirements in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH), the minimum requirement for a half day of instruction to qualify as an ADSY day is two hours of instruction.
2D: When can ADSY days take place?
Designated ADSY days can take place at any point throughout the year, including on weekends. Please keep in mind that the school start date for the regular academic year is the fourth Monday in August as outlined in TEC 25.0811; however, ADSY days can be placed prior to the start of the regular academic year since they are non-compulsory. Districts with a year-round designation, Districts of Innovation with an exemption claimed for Sec. 25.0811 in their Innovation Plan, and charter schools are exempt from the school start date requirement.
2E: If a district wishes to pilot ADSY at one campus and keep its other campuses at fewer than 180 days during their academic year, what steps would it need to take?
There are two steps a district would need to take in this situation:
- Draft separate calendars for each campus and gain local school board approval for the calendars. If the district anticipates a start date before the fourth Monday in August, it needs to ensure it has statutory authority to do so such as through a district of innovation plan.
- Enter each campus’s calendar separately into its Student Information System and upload the calendars during the PEIMS submission.
2F: Can an LEA add ADSY days to the start of their regular calendar to meet the 180-day calendar requirement?
No, the LEA cannot add ADSY days to the start of their regular calendar to meet the 180-day calendar requirement. The regular board-approved calendar must demonstrate 180-days of instruction and 75,600 minutes, distinct from the ADSY days.Ìý
3A: What formula should districts use to estimate funding?
Per TEC, §48.0051(b), TEA will increase the average daily attendance (ADA) of the district or school by the amount that results from the quotient of the sum of attendance by students for each of the (up to) 30 additional instructional days of half-day instruction that are provided divided by 180.
The ADSY funding calculation takes the overall ADA and adds it on to regular ADA. A formula for determining the added ADA is below.
½ X (Estimated Student attendance X Number of Additional Days)/180
To estimate funding, districts should multiply the number of students a district expects to attend by the number of additional days it is planning to offer. That number should then be divided by 180 and multiplied by 0.5 to represent half days. The resulting number will provide the additional ADA a district would receive in funding. For example, a district with 1000 students attending all 30 additional days would have an ADA increase of 83.3 for the year.
12 × 1000×30/180 = 83.3
3B: Can district/charter partnerships (SB 1882, 85th Regular Session) receive funding for both ADSY and their existing partnership funds?
Yes, district/charter partnerships can receive funding for both programs (Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. 806 (H.B. 1525), Sec. 48(a)(4), eff. September 1, 2021).
3C: Will a low ADA in the summer affect overall ADA for the school year?
No, it will not. ADSY ADA will only be calculated towards additional funding.
3D: Can ADSY funding be combined with other funding sources?
Yes, ADSY funding can be combined with other funding sources, both state and federal; however, all requirements tied to other funding sources still apply. For more information on how to stack funding please check out our Summer Learning Program Budgeting Guidance. Slides 44-48 of the (starting at minute 23:45) also covers several additional cash flow and funding considerations.
3E: What TIER 1 allotments are generated in addition to ADSY half day funding on ADSY days?
In addition to ADSY half-day funding LEAs earn transportation, special education, and bilingual allotment funding.
3F: How do districts get access to ADSY funding?
For districts that meet all the ADSY requirements, any non-compulsory instructional days that are reported in PEIMS after their 180th instructional day, up to the 210th instructional day, will generate ADSY funding. This funding will be received as general revenue dollars after the ADA from ADSY days is reported through the associated school year’s Extended Year PEIMS collection (late August).
LEAs should calculate estimated ADSY attendance and adjust overall ADA to reflect ADSY attendance in Attendance Projection Subsystem in the biennial Legislative Planning Estimate (LPE) process in October-December of even-numbered years. ADA funding will flow to LEAs as normal based on this updated estimate and discrepancies will be resolved through the typical settle-up process.
If ADSY attendance is not projected in the LPE, LEAs will receive funding in the settle-up process in late fall after the academic year in which attendance is reported. Submitting projected attendance for ADSY during the October – December LPE window is encouraged if possible.
ADSY Attendance IS included in Attendance Projection SubsystemÌýÌý
- Timing of Funding Flow/ Reimbursement: Funds reflecting prorated ADSY attendance flow to LEAs as part of their normal school year disbursementsÌý
ADSY Attendance IS NOT included in Attendance Projection SubsystemÌý(only reported in Extended Year PEIMS submission)
- Timing of Funding Flow/ Reimbursement: Funds flow to LEA in ‘Near Final II’ settle-up in December following the school year
3G: Do districts get reimbursed for transportation on ADSY days?
Yes, districts can report miles for reimbursement just like they do during traditional instructional days.
3H: Can LEAs depend on ADSY funding after 2024?
ADSY formula funding is effectively guaranteed (unless the legislature changes the law). Ongoing ADSY PEP funding after 2024 is dependent on future funding availability.
3I: Who designates pay for ADSY days?
LEAs have total jurisdiction over how much to pay employees on ADSY days as long as they meet minimum salary schedule requirements.
3J: Can an LEA receive ADSY funding for remote/virtual learning time (synchronous or asynchronous)?
ADSY days require in-person student attendance. They cannot be remote.
3K: Can an LEA receive ADA funding for incoming students that did not attend the previous school year but participated in an ADSY Summer Program?
In order to receive ADA funding for students attending an ADSY Summer Program, the students must be enrolled in an ADSY-eligible campus at the LEA and attending ADSY days. (updated 8/7/24)
4A: What is the ADSY Planning and Execution Program (PEP)?
ADSY PEP is an optional four-year grant program that offers planning and execution supports to districts interested in implementing a high quality ADSY program. ADSY PEP supports LEAs with the planning, program design, and change management necessary to effectively add instructional days to the school calendar. Participating school districts and open-enrollment charter schools engage with TEA technical assistance providers in a year-long planning process before implementing ADSY. The two program options offered through ADSY PEP Summer and ADSY PEP Full-Year Redesign (FYR). For districts interested in participating in ADSY PEP, please reach out to
4B: : Is participation in ADSY PEP required to receive ADSY funds?
No – As long as a district meets all the ADSY requirements they can generate ADSY funds.
4C: Once the annual application for the ADSY PEP grant is closed, is there still a way to participate in funding for ADSY?
The ADSY PEP application typically runs on an annual cycle. Please reach out to for more information on the next available cycle. Note that all districts and open-enrollment charters are eligible for ADSY formula funding, regardless of participation in the ADSY PEP grant.
4D: How do LEAs report TCLAS expenditures (excludes decision 8A)?
LEAs will submit a TCLAS grant budget estimate through eGrants in the TEAL portal. Throughout the year LEAs will report expenditures into the Expenditure Reporting System, also through the TEAL portal.
4E: How are grades and progress monitoring managed for ADSY PEP days?
Official grades are not allowed on ADSY days since ADSY days must be non-compulsory. LEAs should monitor student progress and be ready to report student academic growth data to TEA based on the TCLAS decision assurances.
5A: What are the requirements that must be met for a campus to participate in ADSY PEP FYR?
In addition to meeting the eligibility requirements for ADSY formula funding, LEAs applying to participate in ADSY PEP FYR must:
- Be willing to create a comprehensive strategic plan utilizing the planning resources and templates provided in the grant program
- Update daily master schedule to increase planning time for teachers and enrichment time for students
- Add 30 additional, full days of instruction (ADSY days) to the 180 instructional days in a campus’s academic calendar(s) to design a 210-day program
- Ensure certified teachers deliver academic instruction for the full 210 instructional days.
- Ensure certified teachers implement at least four hours of academic instruction on ADSY days (up to 10 ADSY days can be structured in this manner)
- Adopt Tier 1, math and RLA, high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) during the full academic year
- Contract with an approved ADSY PEP design and implementation vendor
- Participate in all learning community sessions during the school year (up to one day per month)
- Participate in three annual reflection processes, following the planning year, to continuously improve the FYR program based on existing data
5B: Who are the five pre-approved ADSY PEP Full Year Redesign Design and Implementation vendors?
Always Be Learning, Engage2Learn, FourPoint Education Partners, Safal Partners/RTI International and Westat
5C: What can Decision 7A funds be used for?
Decision 7A funds are allocated for Technical Assistance and Learning Community support. This set of supports includes:
- Expert technical assistance to support Design & Implementation of ADSY Full Year Redesign strategic plan
- Expert-led learning community with monthly meetings with other LEAs across cohort (as capacity allows)
- Review and feedback on LEA-created strategic plan
- Guided annual continuous improvement/reflection process for three execution years
5D: What can Decision 7B funds be used for?
Decision 7B funds are designated salary for the project manager to drive cross-departmental collaboration and strategic plan development. LEAs who do not obtain local board approval of a 210-day calendar by March prior to the execution year will not be eligible to spend grant funds on a Redesign Project Manager in the execution year.
5E: What can Decision 7C funds be used for?
Decision 7C funds are general operational funds to support five additional days of operation to help LEAs reach a 180-day calendar at participating campuses in execution years. LEAs who do not obtain local board approval of a 210-day calendar by March prior to the execution year will not be eligible to utilize grant funds for operational funding.
5F: Will the additional 30 days of ADSY instruction satisfy the requirement to provide 120 hours of instruction to incoming kindergarten and first grade bilingual students?
If your ADSY days fall during the summer, then yes it could be stacked to qualify for the Kinder and 1G summer program for bilingual students. See page 7 of the Summer Learning Budgeting Guidance Document for details on how to stack funding for summer. While Decision 7 is not marketed as a summer program, it effectively pushes the instruction into summer.
6A: What is the TCLAS fund reimbursement timeline (excludes decision 8A)?
If an LEA expends more than 20 percent of the funds in one draw down, they may be asked for additional details. The TCLAS reimbursement timeline should be around 7-10 business days.
6B: How long do LEAs have to spend TCLAS 8A funds?
Decision 8A funds are managed through the Communities Foundation of Texas (CFT), not TEA. The 8A funds LEAs received represent the planning year amount only and must be spent by September 30th of the LEA's first ADSY summer. The planning grant ends on September 30th of the LEA's first ADSY summer. An extension on fund spending may be granted separately by CFT after review of the strategic plan and final report. LEAs will receive the full 8A grant amount upon execution of the agreement.
6C: What fund codes should be used for TCLAS decision 8 reporting?
Fund code 499 and revenue object code 5744 may be used for 8A expenditure reporting. For codes 8B and 8C, use fund code 279 (ESSER II fund code).
6D: How long do LEAs have to spend TCLAS funds (excludes decision 8A)?
Pre-award costs for federal funds awarded through TCLAS are allowable beginning March 1, 2021. Once granted, LEAs will have until September 30, 2024, to spend TCLAS funds.
6E: Can recess and/or lunch be included in the ADSY PEP three-hour daily enrichment requirement?
Yes, recess and lunch can qualify as ADSY PEP enrichment hours.
6F: What are the daily academic and enrichment requirements for ADSY PEP Summer?
ADSY PEP Daily Requirements: 3 hours of math and reading + 3 hours of enrichment.
6G: Are the TCLAS 8C funds federal funds?
8c is ESSER III funded (federally funded) and needs to be reported and tracked in alignment with federal guidance and requirements. LEAs have the flexibility to budget for and expend 8c in accordance with their local needs.
7A: How does a district report ADSY attendance in PEIMS?
ADSY participation will be reported during the PEIMS Extended Year submission in August following the school year the LEA is attaching their ADSY days to. The ADSY days, participating teachers, and participating students will need to be reported. The resubmission deadline for the Extended Year PEIMS Submission is in mid-September. This is the final time a district can submit their ADSY days for reimbursement. The district will be reimbursed over the course of a school year in conjunction with their regular payment schedule.
7B: Will there be a weighted reimbursement for special populations?
Yes, if the LEA reports into PEIMS that a student is receiving special population services they will be reimbursed accordingly.
7C: What will be required for reporting ADSY in PEIMS?
ADSY will use data from the following TSDS PEIMS interchanges:
- InterchangeEducationOrganization
- InterchangeEducationOrgCalendar
- InterchangeStudentProgram
- InterchangeStudentAttendance
- InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension
Three new data elements will be reported in the PEIMS submission for ADSY:
- ADDITIONAL-DAYS-PROGRAM-INDICATOR-CODE (E1671) in the InterchangeEducationOrganization, SchoolExtension is reported for each campus participating in the ADSY program.
- ADDITIONAL-DAYS-PROGRAM-PARTICIPATION-INDICATOR-CODE (E1672) in the InterchangeStudentProgram, StudentProgramExtension is reported for each student participating in the ADSY program.
- ADDITIONAL-DAYS-PROGRAM-TEACHER-INDICATOR-CODE (E1673) in the InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension, StaffResponsibilitiesExtension is reported for each teacher providing instruction in the ADSY program.
Districts will need to report instructional minutes in PEIMS for each ADSY day that they host. To be eligible for ADSY a district must host at least 120 instructional minutes per ADSY day. On ADSY days districts will need to log in PEIMS that they hosted 120 instructional minutes. The new data elements and interchanges above must be reported in the Extended Year Submission (due late August) in PEIMS. Districts are eligible for resubmission (due mid-September) if they have changes to their Extended Year Submission. No changes can be made after the resubmission deadline in mid-September.
7D: Will ADSY attendance factor into the distinction designation regarding attendance?
The HB3 incentive program for providing additional days in the school year will not affect the distinction designation regarding attendance. Districts will have the ability to distinguish in PEIMS reporting which days are part of their traditional six six-week reporting periods and which days are ADSY days. The distinction designation will only be based on the traditional school year, as in the past.
7D: How should ADSY attendance be reported when an LEA had ADSY days scheduled during the school year?
Regardless of when the ADSY days are offered, they are reported in the PEIMS Extended Year Submission for the associated academic year.
7E: Can an LEA report ADSY data in the 2021-2022 PEIMS Extended Year Submission if they did not have a 180-day calendar during the 2021-2022 school year?
If the intended campus did not have a board-approved 180-day calendar for the 2021-2022 school year, they are not eligible to report ADSY.
8A: What considerations does an LEA need to consider regarding special education services on ADSY days?
To ensure that all students receive a free and appropriate public education, LEAs providing ADSY days will need to ensure that Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committees determine whether special education services must be provided to students during ADSY instructional days on an individual basis. The ARD committee should determine whether the provision of supplementary aids and services are appropriate and necessary to afford the student an equal opportunity to participate in ADSY. If an IEP does not address extracurricular items such as ADSY days, the student’s ARD committee will need to determine if the student needs services on those days. If the ARD committee determines that the student will not receive special education services on ADSY days, then the LEA will only report basic attendance for that student (BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension). The ARD committee should also consider whether the student’s schedule of services must be amended. If making changes to an IEP after the annual ARD committee meeting, the parent and the LEA may agree not to convene an ARD committee meeting for the purposes of making those changes, and instead may amend by written agreement and provide changes to the student’s ARD committee members.
8B: Does the Extended School Year (ESY) program qualify for ADSY funding?
The Extended School Year (ESY) program is a separate program from ADSY. A student can qualify for both ADSY and ESY funding on the same instructional day if a student attends both programs on the same day; however, the programs must be run separately. Students attending an ESY program do not qualify for ADSY attendance if the ADSY instructional hours are occurring during the ESY program hours. For example, if a student’s IEP calls for four hours of ESY services per day, the campus must also provide at least an additional two hours of instruction (required for ADSY funding) outside of the ESY services for the student to receive funding for both ADSY and ESY attendance on the same day.
If a student attends both ESY programming and ADSY programming on the same day, the total contact hours from that day should be included in the TOTAL-ESY-CONTACT-HRS-IN-INSTR-SETTING (E1013) reported in the StudentESYProgramAssociationExtension PEIMS indicator complex type.
Example of Stacking ADSY and ESY Funding:
Hour | Programming | Funding Source |
Ìý Hour OneÌý | Ìý InstructionÌý | Ìý ADSY Funding |
ÌýÌýHour Two | Ìý InstructionÌý | Ìý ADSY Funding |
ÌýÌýHour ThreeÌý | Ìý ESYÌý | Ìý ESY Funding |
ÌýÌýHour Four | Ìý ESYÌý | Ìý ESY Funding |
ÌýÌýHour Five | Ìý ESYÌý | Ìý ESY Funding |
Ìý Hour SixÌý | Ìý ESYÌý | ÌýESY Funding |
8C: How does a district report that students are receiving special education services on ADSY days?
Based on the ARD committee’s special education services determination for each student, an LEA may report any of the following data elements for services that are provided to a student while attending an ADSY day:
E1691: RA-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING If no special education services are provided on ADSY days, then the data elements will not be reported.
9A: If a district calendar initially accounts for 180 days with two bad weather make-up days but the district experiences multiple days of closures, is meeting 75,600 minutes enough to qualify for ADSY funding?
If the LEA had a board-approved 180-instructional day calendar and is meeting the75,600-minute requirement, applying for the ADSY waiver is the next step in ensuring compliance with the 180 instructional days of instruction requirement. Please review the following question for guidance on ADSY Waiver eligibility.
9B: Do missed school day waivers count towards the ADSY requirement to conduct 180 days of instruction?
The purpose of the ADSY Waiver is to ensure compliance with the 180-days of instruction requirement and is distinct from the Missed School Day waiver. Please review the guidance below on each type of waiver and the requirements.Ìý
The ADSY program adds half-day formula funding for school systems that add instructional days (up to 30 additional days) to any of their elementary schools per and requires at least 180 instructional days.Ìý
Beginning in the 2023–2024 school year, participating campuses are eligible for up to five days of ADSY waivers for missed instructional days throughout the year due to weather, health, or safety reasons. LEAs with a board-approved 180-day calendar do not need to make up two missed days. These waiver days are for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the 180 days of instruction requirement and are distinct from the Missed School Day waiver. LEAs that wish to request one or more ADSY waiver days must submit that request through the TEA waiver system under the ADSY waiver. LEAs will need to submit evidence of a board-approved 180-day calendar via a survey that will open in the fall of each year in order to be eligible for the ADSY waivers. If an LEA applies for and receives a missed school day waiver, the day(s) will count towards the 180-day total under the TEC, ). Depending on the situation, an LEA may need to apply to both the ADSY waiver and the Missed School Day waiver. Professional development waivers do not count towards the required 180 days of instruction.Ìý
See Student Attendance Accounting Handbook 11.5.1Ìý
Districts or campusesÌýcan request a waiver for excused absences ifÌýinstructional days are missed due to inclement weather, health, safety-related, or otherÌýissues. The first two days missed for any reasonÌýmust be made up,Ìýusing either designated makeup days or additional minutes. If weather, safety, or health issues cause you to fall short of the required number of minutes/days in accordance with the program type listed on the chart in 3.8 Calendar (SA beyond the additional minutes/days already built into the adopted school calendar for makeup minutes/days, a missed school day waiver application must be submitted using TEA’s automated waiver application system. This system is available in TEAL. Ìý
See Student Attendance Accounting Handbook 3.8.1.Ìý